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[[line]] Saturday June 12 1880 [[line]]

From anchorage in little bight just within Big Nakwasina Bay
NE point of Id across entrance thereto N [[strikethrough]] 60 [[/strikethrough]] 40 W
SE " [[ditto for: point]] about W
NW point of cove where we are 
anchored N [[strikethrough]] 45 [[strikethrough]] 34 W
SW " " " [[dittos for: point of cover where we are anchored]] S. 24 W
S. point of Halleck Id. about W. [[strikethrough]] 20 S. [[/strikethrough]]
Beehive Id. (middle of top) " [[ditto for: about]] [[strikethrough]] W 10 N [[/strikethrough]] N 70˚W. 
SE. Pt Krestoff Id S. 50 E
[[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] bears N 60 W
[[underlined]] b [[/underlined]] N. 40 W
[[underlined]] c [[/underlined]] (mouth of stream) about E.

[[image - detailed pencil sketch of landscape with hills marked with a and b]]
[[image captions:]] S end Halleck. Beehive. [[/captions]]

[[image - pencil sketch of islands and land from a birds eye view marked with c, d and two anchor symbols]]
[[image captions:]] 
passage at h w. for boats.
c - d is not less than half a mile by estimate of all who were present.
[[/image captions]]

Transcription Notes:
Place names checked.