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of Suifu, the head militia officer of the Suifu District, the two heads of the Suifu Chamber of Commerce, and several Suifu merchants.

March 23.
Today I learned that my name had been reported in a Chungking Chinese newspaper.  This is something foreigners generally prefer to avoid during these times, for unfavorable things are apt to be said.  This time nothing unfavorable was said.  It was merely reported that I had secured an immense fish and was going to send it to America.  Today I packed one box of specimens, box No. 71.

March 24.
This afternoon I led a science discussion class of Chinese leaders.
I was invited to a feast given by all the leading Suifu organizations, including the government schools and official[[strikethrough]] s [[strikethrough]] departments, to General Hu and his staff from Yunnan Province.  After this was over we attended a movie.  The story, the characters, the scenes, etc., were all Chinese.  I also received a letter from Chengtu saying that the West Chinese Border Research Society will renew its activities soon, and probably publish another Journal within the next year.  Packed box No. 72.

March 26.
Packed box No. 73.  Wrapped nine boxes for shipping.  These can not be mailed now, as traffic is not open below Chungking, but they can be mailed later.
It is reported that British and Japanese gunboats are going to escort merchantile ships to Suifu.  I think this is contrary to even the old treaties.  At any rate it is apt to raise a hornet's nest and we here are quite apt to get some stings.  Measured two Chinese with anthropometric instruments.

March 27.
Sent in financial report No. 5.  Secured a few insects.

March 28.
Today I took the anthropometrical measurements of nine Chinese women.  There was an experienced nurse helping take the temperatures, etc.
Secured a few insects.

March 29.
Took a short hunting trip, securing three birds.  Saw about thirty soldiers bringing in four bandits.
I have had the carpenter make trays for carrying birdskins on collecting trips so as to avoid pressure on the skins.  This should make unnecessary spoiling the skins through pressure.