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March 31.
Caught a few insects.

April 2.
Received a letter from Chen Gih Uen saying he had arrived at Yachow and was on his way to Moupin; he is now busy collecting but he will tour the Yachow district rather than remain at present in Moupin.

April 4.
I received a letter from the American Express Company today saying they had only received seven boxes.  The rest will probably arrive all right [[underlined]] in time [[/underlined]], but I'll have inquiries made.

April 6.
I secure a few insects each day.  I am exceedingly busy at present, but do what I can.  In about two weeks I hope to take a trip of about three weeks, possibly more, when I should get many specimens.  The aborigine should be in with a two-month's catch in about ten days.  Three men were executed (brigands) today.

April 7.
Secured some insects.

April 9.
Spent the afternoon collecting insects and secured some that look interesting.  The city postmaster says that many of my packages of specimens are at Chungking but that they will ultimately reach Shanghai safely.

April 12.
I have been daily collecting such specimens as I could.  These have been my most busy days at Suifu but hereafter I will be freer and will be doing more collecting.  Today I mailed some films to Dr. Wetmore.  Mammal No. 87.

April 16.
Today I gave anthropometrical measurements to six Chinese.  I expect to do more collecting of biological specimens hereafter.  I have been tied down with special meetings and conferences here in Suifu.
There is a beetle in Szechuan, which, when attacked, emits a vapor or smoke that has an unpleasant smell.  There is also a sound.  Tonight I pursued one and when about to take hold of it with my hand, it emitted the vapor.  It seemed to burn my fingers, as though hot, but there was no after effect.  The beetle is yellow and black.  I have sent in specimens before and will send in more.  The length is approximately an inch.
Later--Next morning the skin on my finger had turned brown on the spot where, if I remember correctly, the gas from the beetle stung or burnt me.  I may be mistaken about this, but I do not think so.