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took nap.
At 7 P.M [[underline]]Banquet[[/underline]] souvenirs Bakelite Cigar holder and a cigarette holder.  Speaker. Prof White, [[Voice?]], Dr. Stephenson Whitaker, Howard of Boston, Prof. Smith Case., Shattuck of Solway Co. Bain, Olson.  I was toastmaster  Very enjoyable to every body and many congratulated me  Then Dr. Stephenson made an excellent speech  seems to be a versatile genius, half chemist, half physician, orator
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inventor etc.  I went to bed very satisfied that everything came off so well.
Dec 6.  Up early to catch 8:15 A.M train for [[underlined]] Michigan University, Ann Arbor. [[/underlined]]  Makes excellent impression [[strikethrough]] fine [[/strikethrough]] excellent well planned buildings without display.  Good chemical laboratories.  Many students and like usually in western Universities many coeds.  1200 students take the course of chemistry.  Professor [[underlined]] Campbell [[/underlined]] senior