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surfacing. Says also that he prevents sticking by applying a thin coating of a viscose solution on the surface
Dr. W. D. Horne paid a call. Mr. Beckman also came to tell me [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]]
inquiring for new [[connection?]] his irishman has given him notice.
Jan. 27. Home all day dictating letters. Left home at 6 P.M. Supper at Chemists Club. Went to see "The Spring Maid" then went directly to train for [[underline]] Washington. [[/underline]] Slept badly like usually
Jan. 28. Met [[underline]] Brichenstein [[/underline]] at [[underline]] Cosmos Club [[/underline]] and walked with him to his office.
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Went to meet Commissioner of [[underline]] Patents Moore [[/underline]] and had long conversation with him. Vice Commissioner [[underline]] Billings [[/underline]] and Asst Commisioner Tennant withdrew.
[[underline]] Moore [[/underline]] told me all about origin of [[underline]] Oldfield bill. [[/underline]]
How [[strikethrough]] after [[/strikethrough]] he had been busy for a considerable time preparing a bill codifying the patent laws and embodying a clause providing a reciprocity provision as to compulsory working in accordance with the [strikethrough] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] reciprocity treaty [[/underline]] he had negotiated in Germany and making the patent office independent of the Department of the Interior etc. That he was still working on this bill