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Fessel, Jaeger and Lewally from the chief of the works Director [[underline]] von Eichen [[/underline]] who escorted me through their splendidly equipped plant.  Particularly interested in their plastic division where I met Mr. [[underline]] Nurnberger [[/underline]] who also was very friendly.  They all seemed to apologize that they are using so little [[underline]] bakelite [[/underline]] but they are really using more of it than I thought and are using it regularly and seem to be satisfied and furthermore use it very well too.  They made very big plates 1m X 1m. and about one inch thick which are used in the [[underline]] German navy [[/underline]] as a
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regular product [[underline]] for all their new battleships as switboards. ^[[switchboards]][[/underline]] They seemed [[underline]] totally unaware [[underline]] of quick molding mixtures and specially of wood flour mixtures  Nurnberger has developed some excellent molding mixtures [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] with China oil which are formed cold then baked in an oven.
Dr. [[underline]] von Eicher [[/underline]] invited me to a dinner party at his house which he will give next week.
He drove me back in his motor car with Weger and Jaeger.  A very enjoyable and satisfactory visit.
Took Jaeger to Kaiserkeller for supper then went with him to a place everybody had told
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