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gether for supper.

March 7.  At 10 AM went with Dr. [[underline]] Danziger [[/underline]], Rechtsanwalt of Meinhardt office to Landes gericht to listen to some patent suits.  Fine enormous building.  Heard pleadings of [[ceilna?]] firm vs AEG in [[strikethrough]] [[Fest?]] [[/strikethrough]] so called Feststellungsklage in regard to [[strikethourgh]] Tun [[/strikethrough]] use of tungsten lamp.  [[underline]] Quick procedure no time lost.  Directness of questions and arguments. [[/underline]].  Judge and his two assistants altho nontechnical men seemed quite intelligent and gave evidence of keen interest everything pleaded and discussed in about 30 minutes. altho' two lawyers read their arguments. Then court retired and I was told 
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decision would be [[strikethrough]] delivered[[strikethrough]] ^reached^ same day.  Shortly afterward another Feststellungsklage in regard to patent for straightening rail road tracks.  Experts for and against were heard, models submitted and discussed  Experts were Geheimrat Professors, made good impression great directness in arguments and discussion.  somewhat similar like interference brief presentation except that models and proofs were freely presented and taken in consideration. --  [[strikethrough]] Hurried lunch [[/strikethrough]] Then met at office of Dr. Mergerding Notar. with Hecht, Dr. Nöhe, Moser etc. etc. [[underline]] where new contract was read and explained [[/underline]] and discussed point by