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fraudulent telegram in Sharburg which mobilized the [[red line in margin from here to Einfuror]] whole garrison for a fraudulently imminent visit of the Einfuror! - Do not think simply wait for orders and obey promptly!
[[underline]] Duisberg [[/underline]] [[red line in margin from here to Beamter]] thinks those rail road officials great! Says they are such a fine lot that they do not even look like Beamten! - So any judgement [[underline]] they looked like a lot of well balanced cattle led by a pedantic master [[/underline]] Learned to know very little about american ^[[american]] railroads except that we had many wrecks. Were astounded to hear we had automatic couplings. and bogies on all cars, and air brakes even on freight cars.
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Was driven [[strikethrough]] N.Y. ver [[/strikethrough]] Cologne with there R. R. directors in a motor car.
March 14. Wrote all morning and went to buy presents for Celine (handbag etc) after going to bank for money. Took an auto tax cab to Levenhuren and the driver charged me 16 mk for it (wanted 18 mk altho' only took 20 minutes [[underline]] Duisberg [[/underline]] was at conference with board of directors and I met [[underline]] Baeyer [[/underline]] who remembered me immediately and was very friendly. Lunch at Duisbergs with Baeyer and Mrs. Baeyer in Duisberg's magnificent new residence. Very informal lunch. [[underline]] Baeyer appeared a [[/underline]] much more intelligent and clever man to me than about 10 years ago when I
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