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cost in Niagara was considerably above $24 per HP year.
[[underline]] Brine [[/underline]] made from NaCl obtained from Belgium and artificially blackened for industrial purposes because there is a fiscal duty on salt. This salt is dissolved in water kept hot by means of waste steam etc. brine solution first run thru filter with wooden plates [[strikethrough]] to sepa [[/strikethrough]] by gravity to separate black coloring pigment then pumped up back in tank then added necessary quantity of Mn2CO3 and TmCl2 [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] or is it Ba(OH)2 to precipitate sulphates. Does not seem to be aware of our experience that sulfates do
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not harm. Brine containers are fine steel rivetted cylindrical tanks lined inside with porcelan brick about 8" thick and cemented together all this very clean. - hot temperature, then [[strikthrough]] wooden fi [[/strikethrough]] filter [[presses?]] with wooden plate working by gravity for separating white precipitate 3 [[presses?]] for there plant of which one used for first separation of black. Quincke tells me one pass enough to handle all precipitated brine used in their electrolytic plant. Section of plates about 3 feet X 3 feet. length about 15 feet. This outfit takes very little room seems better than all our large outdoor tanks but Marsh and Hooker ought to compare merits as 

[[vertical marginal entry]] One filterpress enough for all the brine required for a yearly output of one million kilos chlorine - Wooden spigots [[marginal entry]]