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What a world of petty pretentions and arrogance! Later took supper at Caveau met Boddart there, same selfsatisfied important look. Saw also the fellow who was manager of Lebeque - Van Paemel office some 37 years ago and ^[[who]] bullied me ^[[then]] and [[strikethrough]] told me then [[/strikethrough]] sneered at me trying to study chemistry!! What a difference since then!! All these reflexions, and the sad feeling of seeing that my native country is so backwards and so helplessly low by sheer ignorance and arrogance and similarity has unstrung my nerves. for the first time since long. Went to bed tired and nervous and sad.
[[underline]] March 21 [[/underline]] Slept only 3 hours. unable to sleep more but someway [[strikethough]] felt [[/strikethrough]] did not feel corporal fatigue. Only my mind and nerves are tired. This has been getting worse ever since I arrived in Belgium Took closed carriage and drove to my [[underline]] mother.  [[/underline]] She has changed little since my last visit. so has my sister. Both seemed very happy. Holland servant girl seems good
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clean and intelligent. Gave her 20 francs. Took fish lunch at my [[underline]] mothers [[/underline]] and talked old times over again. Some conversation remained there till late Letter just arrived from Brussel from [[underline]] Leonie [[/underline]] full of emotion, telling she had been informed by employes of Grand Hotel that I had been there etc etc Stupid confounded gossipping lot. Evening went to [[underline]] Remouchamps [[/underline]] who has aged considerably. His endless number of children some of them specially the oldest rather stupid looking. The eldest studies engineering. Seems like an old man. Awkward to the extreme. Took tea there with whole family. Long walk afterwards with [[underline]] Remouchamps [[/underline]] took him to hotel where gave him bakelite cane and bakelite umb^r^ella for his wife All seemed highly pleased Took supper at his house then he walked to hotel with me. - Is one of the very few men with whom I have still some bonds of sympathy here
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