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Station of Land van Waesmere caught in a drenching rain. Feel irritated, tired and almost exhausted. Later on after dark walked down to my mothers house but found she has visitors so I escaped. walked back to hotel: Cannot sleep and my nervous condition becomes almost a torture
March 24. This is Second Easter so another feast day! which I had not foreseen. I got up at 4:30 A.M. These surroundings are irksome and enervating to me. Were it not for my old mother I should certainly not spend any longer time here
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This permenent exhibition of stupidity, weakness of character, greed, selfishness brutality, petty conceit and general lack of efficiency irritate me here than anywhere else. They hide their lack of efficiency in the cloak of art, which [[strikethrough]] seems [[/strikethrough]] is their fetich.
Honni [[underlined]] De Sevarte [[/underlined]] came to consult me till 11 A. M about his chemical ^[[enterprise]] undertaking in Meerpoort [[underlined]] Paul Federing [[/underlined]] for lunch with me at Hotel then went our walking with him until 5 P.M visiting nearly vertical buildings. In this respect
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