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on the whole the opinion of the Elder Bretheren is not favourable to this light.  They however intend to give it more time.

The latest novelty in the way of illumination is the Electromagnetic apparatus of the [[wilds?]] of Manchester an account of this has been given to the Royal society
[[end page]]
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[[page number in pencil]] 3
[[image - hand-drawn in ink]] 
The length of time the tube is shut depends on the side pieces
[[image - hand-drawn in ink - a speaking trumpet]]
The effects of the speaking trumpet is said not to be due to reflections by [[cause?]] 
the flaring part produces a marked effect which 
it could not do on principle of reflection 
[[image - hand-drawn in ink - long cylindrical tube with a flared end]]
a cylindrical tube with a flare produces same effect The material paper or tin