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[[underlined]] Oct 6th 1866 [[/underlined]]
visited Bevertail with I B Weaver assistant in the custom House
Silas G Shaw Light Keeper.
Third order light Tower leaks  Inside wants painting to prevent falling of mortar from between bricks
The near funnel wanting throws a beam to the opposite ferry
[18 1/2 Feet capacity of air chamber nearly]
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[[page number in pencil]]  57 [[/page number]]
Engine put up in June 1865 No repair up to this time but an addition of a fan blower to the draft - The engine is not well in line The keeper quite handy.
The air chamber is 4 feet long 2ft 5 1/2 inches (nearly 30 inches) in diameter Piston 10 inches diam.  8 1/2 inches stroke
The kindling for this should be hard wood split fine
see several pages over