Viewing page 36 of 45

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Whitewashed rocks are used as beacons in the bay near New Port
I am informed by Capt Macy that the natives of the Marquesas Islands catch porpoise by going out beyond the breakers and striking stones together underwater for this purpose they jump overboard
The steam whistles in the streets of New York are a nuisance, the trumpet ought to be used with it.
[[end page]] 
[[start page]]
[[page number in pencil]] 65
Mr Kinsman informs me that the sound of the breakers at Quoddy Head drowns that of the fog signal.
Will the whistle give the same sound when placed vertically as one placed horizontally
[[image - hand-drawn in ink - a trumpet for a whistle]]
The flaring part of the trumpet was may vibrate [[latterly?]] when made of thin metal

Transcription Notes:
place names checked