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Thursday, Sept. 2nd, cont?

visible over the lower one, or over the single face when the land and bluff were low, near the beach. There was also less vegetable matter, apparently. Near the beach six or eight feet of clay was observed in some places, without counting what might be considered as talus matter from farther up the hillside. Only in one place did we notice some fine reddish gravel, and nowhere in the talus or strata any stones. The iceface near the beach was not uniform. In many places it was covered with clay to the water's edge. In others, where the bank was less than ten feet high, the turf had bent, without breaking, when undermined and curving over, presented a mossy and herbaceous front quite to high water mark. 
The ice in general had a semi stratified appearance as if it still retained the horizontal plane in which it originally congealed. The surface was always dirtied from dirty water from the soil above, &c. The dirt was however merely superficial. The outer inch
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or two of the ice seemed granular or like compacted hail and was sometimes whitish. The inside was solid and transparent or slightly yellow tinged (like peat water) but never greenish or bluish like glacier ice. But in many places the ice presented the appearance of immense cakes or fragments irregularly disposed, over which it appears as if the clay &c had been deposited. Small pinnacles of ice ran up into the clay in some places and, above, holes were seen in the face of the clay bank, where it looked as if a detached fragment of ice had been and had been melted out leaving its mold in the clay quite perfect. In other places the ice was penetrated with deep holes into which the clay and vegetable matter had been deposited in layers and which (the ice melting away from around them) appeared as clay & muck cylinders on the ice face. Large rounded holes or excavations of irregular form had evidently existed on the top of the ice before [[strikethrough]] [[f?]] [[/strikethrough]] the clay &c had been deposited. These were usually filled with a