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2 1/2 miles to the eastward (high black and peaked), second, by a prominent small rocky lump a quarter of a mile or more east of the east head and lastly by the narrow rocky promontories which form the heads. The harbor is excellent but the water rather deep. The land about is lower than at Iliuliuk and covered by rich black soil and a luxuriant growth of grass. There have been gardens here. The chief support of the people is the sea-otter, about 100 taken annually. Fourteen bidarkas hunt from this place. There is a shoal at Cove Pt. The turning point of the harbor extending WSW an eighth of a mile which is not on the chart and which we shall sound out. Our station is on the end of Cove point about 3/4 of a mile from the village. Kasheega village to the eastward is situated on a small spit in a bay opening to the N. and W. It is not a good anchorage because the water behind the spit is too shoal for anything but boats. At Makushin village a good anchorage is reported and some others unsurveyed between it and Chernoffsky.
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[[line]] Saturday Oct. 2/80 [[/line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings:]]
Time.  | Bar.  | Ther. | Dry b. | Wet b. |Water | Wind
6 A.M. | 28.62 | 40    | 41.5   | 42     | 44.5 | E
12 M.  |   .82 | 48    | 50.5   | 49.5   | 46.5 | NW
6 P.M. |   .98 | 43.5  | 44.0   | 44     | 45.0 | " [[ditto for: NW]]

Day half clear. Wind moderate to fresh with occasional showers.
Observations for time latitude declination dip and intensity. Work over records. 

[[line]] Sunday Oct. 3rd [[/line]]

6 A.M. | 29.45 | 42    | 44.5   | 44.5   | 45   | WNW.
12 M.  |   .64 | 50    | 53     | 52     | 46.5 | " [[ditto for: WNW.]]
6 P.M. |   .78 | 46    | 46     | 46     | 46   | N.

Morning half rainy, later cloudy with showers. Wind light.
Sound on the shoal off (observation) Cove Pt. The shoal extends broad off the point (WSW) regularly increasing in depth from the shore to 50 fathoms from the beach where the depth is three fathoms, while at 70 fathoms distance the depth is 5 fathoms. It is readily recognizable by the discolored water the bottom being white and shelly. 
It extends from the extreme of the point in a WSW direction and is about three cables wide and does not reach to eastward of the extreme point.

Transcription Notes:
Bidarka, plural bidarkas, is a type of skin boat, usually a.k.a. kayak. Geographic names checked: Iliuliuk; Cove Point/Pt; Kasheega village; Makushin village; Chernoffsky.See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: