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[[line]] Friday Oct 8th 1880 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings]]
Time.  | Barom. | Ther. | Dry b.| Wet b. | Water.| Wind. 
6 A.M. | 29.24  | 40.0  | 42.5  | 42.0   | 44.5  | SW
12 M.  |   .24  | 47.5  | 57.0  | 50.0   | 46.0  | " [[ditto for: SW]]
6 P.M. |   .18  | 44.0  | 44.5  | 44.5   | 45.0  | " [[Ditto for: SW]]

Morning cloudy. Later occasional rains. Wind fresh & cold but puffy. Continue repairs etc. on storehouse. Send boat out for salmon and obtain sixty seven. Work over records and preparations for sea.

[[line]] Saturday Oct. 9th [[line]]

6 A.M. | 29.16  | 40    | 41.0  | 41.0   | 44    | SW
12 M.  |   .27  | 45    | 48.5  | 47.5   | 45.5  | " [[ditto for: SW]]
6 P.M. |   .48  | 41.5  | 42.5  | 42.5   | 45    | W

Day rainy & squally, snow falling on the uplands. More snow at night  work over records & computations.

[[line]] Sunday Oct 10th [[line]]

Time.  | Barom. | Ther. | Dry b.| Wet b. | Water | Wind.
6 A.M. | 29.69  | 38.0  | 40    | 40.5   | 42.5  | SW
12 M.  |   .80  | 42.5  | 45    | 44.5   | 44.5  | NW
6 P.M. |   .96  | 41.5  | 44    | 43.5   | 44.5  | " [[ditto for: NW]]

Day cloudy with rainsqualls. Much snow on the higher hills. Wind moderate to fresh. 

[[line]] Monday Oct 11th [[line]]

6 A.M. | 30.11  | 37.5  | 40.5  | 40.5   | 44.5  | NNE
12 M.  |   .18  | 43.5  | 46.5  | 46.0   | 45.5  | " [[ditto for: NNE]]
6 P.M. |   .20  | 40.5  | 42.5  | 42.0   | 45.0  | " [[ditto for: NNE]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Day half clear. Wind light & cold.
Fill water; get coal from Mr. F. M. Smith Deputy coll. of customs to the amount of a ton and a half from the government coal pile. Work over records & charts.

[[line]] Tuesday Oct. 12/80 [[line]]

[[page includes table with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability.]]

[[table headings]]
Time.  | Bar.   | Ther. | Dry b.| Wet b. | Water.| Wind.
6 A.M. | 30.20  | 35    | 37.5  | 37     | 42    | Calm
12 M.  |   .18  | 39    | 43.5  | 43     | 45    | SE
6 P.M. |   .10  | 39.5  | 42.5  | 42     | 44.5  | " [[ditto for: SE]]

Morning cloudy, wind light. Later rainy. Some snow fell on deck about noon. Sent the boat out for codfish but the day is unfavorable, get only 20 and one halibut. Schr. Matthew Turner  Andersen arrives from Michael's Redoubt & Nushagak with 500 bbls. salted salmon, from the latter place. Get from Capt. Andersen the following observations made at St. Michael's by the officers of the Rush & the Jeannette in 1879. The variation was determined with an azimuth compass, the time and latitude by sextant and artificial horizon. The station was within the old Russian Redoubt near the site of the old bathhouse.

Transcription Notes:
Geographic names checked: Michael's Redoubt; Nushagak; St. Michael's. See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: