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Mr. Danenhower of the Jeannette, June 19th 1879: -
Lat. N. 63°.28'.17"
Lon. W. 162.04.45
Var. E. 24.40
Lieut Hand of U.S. R.S. Rush

Lat. N. 63°.29'.50"
Lon. W. 162.05.45
Var. E. 22 37

The position by bearings on Kyska etc. for the shoal near Kyska was determined by Capt. Andersen to be about
Lat. N. 52°.07'
Lon. E. 177.54

It is also mentioned in Capt. Bailey's report on the cruise of the Rush. 
The priest of Iliuliuk from a small patch near Ulakhta head, has raised two crops of turnips & radishes and one of good sized potatos (just harvested).  There were 300 lbs of potatos from two pecks of seed.  The first crop of turnips was large & fine the second rather small sized, i.e. the turnips themselves.  The bishop talks of residing and having a mission school here.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[line]] Wednesday Oct 13, 1880 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability]]

[[table headings]] 
Time   | Barom.| Ther.| Dry b. | Wet b.| Water | Wind.
6 A.M. | 29.88 | 40.5 | 42     | 42    | 44    | NE
12 M.  |   .82 | 43.5 | 45     | 44.5  | 45    | " [[ditto for: NE]]
6 P.M. |   .74 | 42.5 | 44     | 44    | 45    | " [[ditto for: NE]]

Day rainy & stormy.  Wind fresh with heavy squalls at night.  Work over computations and records.

[[line]] Thursday Oct. 14th [[line]]

6 A.M. | 29.61 | 40.5 | 42     | 42    | 45    | N
12 M.  |    48 | 39.5 | 40     | 40.5  | 44.5  | " [[ditto for: N]]
6 P.M. |    34 | 39.5 | 40.5   | 41.0  | 44.5  | E

Day rainy & stormy.  Wind fresh & squally.  Work over records & computations.

[[line]] Friday Oct. 15th [[line]]

6 A.M. | 29.20 | 42.5 | 44.0   | 44.5  | 44.5  | SE
12 M.  |   .18 | 45.0 | 46.5   | 46.5  | 46.5  | E
6 P.M. |   .16 | 43.5 | 44.0   | 44.5  | 44.5  | SW

Day rainy, glimpses of sun once or twice. Wind moderate.  Work over records & clinical work. Send boat out codfishing. A good deal of snow on hill tops.

[[line]] Saturday Oct. 16 [[line]]

6 A.M. | 29.31 | 40.5 | 41.0   | 41.5  | 44    | Calm
12 M.  |   .39 | 53.5 | 48.0   | 48.0  | 46    | NE.
6 P.M. |    38 | 44.0 | 44     | 44.5  | 44.5  | NW.

Transcription Notes:
Geographic names checked: Kyska; Iliuliuk; Ulakhta head. See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: