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[[line]] Thursday Oct 21st/80 [[line]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability]]

[[table headings]] 
Time   | Bar.  | Ther.| Dry b. | Wet b.| Water. | Wind 
4 A.M. | 29.82 | 43.5 | 48     | 46.5  | 50     | N
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]   |   .64 | 43   | 48     | 47    | 40.5   | NNW.
12 M.  |   .50 | 44   | 46.5   | 46.5  | 51     | NW.
4 P.M. |   .26 | 44   | 45     | 44.5  | 57.5   | WNW
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]    |   .06 | 45   | 45     | 44    | 55     | [[ditto for: WNW.]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  | 28.88 | 47.5 | 53     | 49    |52      | W.

Cloudy, rainy with bad sea and stiff breeze P.M. wind shifts and increases obliging us to heave to again. Blows very hard with shifting wind and low bar, in evening

[[line]] Friday Oct 22nd/80 [[line]]

4 A.M. | 28.84 | 49   | 52.5 | 49   | 52    | W.
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]   |   .92 | 49   | 50.5 | 50   | 52    | SW.
12 M.  | 29.02 | 49.5 | 52.5 | 52   | 52    | SSW.
4 P.M. |   .12 | 48.5 | 50.5 | 50.5 | 52    | S.
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .25 | 49.5 | 51.5 | 51   | 52    | S.
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]  |   .38 | 49   | 52   | 51   | 53    | SSE.

Morning cloudy with showers and stiff breeze. About 1.30 P.M. get underway again, under close reefs & so remain.

[[line]] Saturday Oct 30 [[line]]

4 A.M. | 29.34 | 48.5 | 50   | 49.5 | 52   | SE.
8 "    |   .26 | 50   | 53   | 52   | 52.5 | SE.
12 M.  |   .10 | 51   | 52.5 | 52   | 52.5 | E. by N.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[page includes tables with 7 columns - "|" used to better distinguish separate column fields for readability]]

[[table headings]] 
Time   | Bar.  | Ther.| Dry b. | Wet b.| Water. | Wind
4 P.M. | 28.80 | 52   | 53     | 52.5  | 53     | E
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .60 | 52   | 53     | 52.5  | 53     | NE. by E.
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .55 | 51   | 53     | 53.5  | 52.5   | NNE.

Stormy. The wind which has been ^[[insertion]] rather [[/insertion]] light in the early A.M. increases, shifts to the eastward and blows very hard in squalls. Toward evening a stiff gale blowing and barometer down to 28.72 In the afternoon wear round on the port tack and heave to. The continued rough and adverse weather is very wearing on all hands.

[[line]] Sunday Oct. 24th [[line]]

4 A.M. | 28.64 | 52   | 53     | 53    | 54     | NW
8 " [[ditto for: A.M.]]   |   .88 | 50   | 51.5   | 51.5  | 52     | " [[ditto for: NW]]
12 M.  | 29.09 | 51   | 51     | 51    | 52     | " [[ditto for: NW]]
4 P.M. |   .22 | 49   | 51     | 51    | 53.5   | " [[ditto for: NW]]
8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .34 | 49   | 52     | 53    | 54     | " [[ditto for: NW]]
12 " [[ditto for: P.M.]]   |   .34 | 49   | 51     | 52    | 54     | " [[ditto for: NW]]

Day rainy clearing a little toward the latter part with one or two glimpses of sun. Wind shifts and becomes more moderate. About 1 A.M. get under way again under close reefed foresail and reefed jib.

Transcription Notes:
See transcription center p. 5 of this project (p. 1 in notebook) for how to transcribe dittos, model for tables: