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[[underline]] The Outlet [[/underline]]

Kingbirds notes contrasting with [[peevers?]] suggested comparisons of disposition.  The loud raucous notes of the purple martin seemed out of place. A cuckoo long & slender crossed the river into the greenery, a veery called, & a Hermit sang faintly. A male hummingbird buzzed before a cardinal but he did not have the right light for the answering gleam of the [[gorget?]].  Down a steep bank I caught sight of a form - dark above light below - slipping into the water - was it a muskrat? Heaps of muscel shells in places along the banks suggested their work. A small head seen for an instant above the water suggested a water snake. Turtles were seen on the logs along shore.  One sat ^[[insertion]] head up [[/insertion]] with [[strikethrough]] spl [[/strikethrough]] shell open so the yellow showed on a gray log. And there with was a black glistening back. Others were down in the water swimming, the [[strikethrough]] ir [[/strikethrough]] yellow lines of their plates making patterns in the sunlit water.   
And with all the interest & beauty of the life, the shores, & the reflection, the best of all was the outlet gardens, that made you wish for glass bottomed boats.   For when you could see into them - ^[[insertion]] below [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] the mirror Claude Lorraine - when for occasional rocks or fallen tree snags you could look into them undisturbed 

Transcription Notes:
In the phrase "the yellow lines", I believe "the" was written first as "thin", and changed by overwriting i with e, and crossing out the n. Siobhan _ I think she actually wrote their but then changed it to the (as indicated by the dot in the i) Also in the phrase referring to the mirror, it appears she wrote "for", then crossed it out and inserted "below".