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[[underline]] Animals [[/underline]]

from a skunk - wood pussy - sachet kitten, they call them. She saw it with her electric lantern - 'bug light'!
2 gray squirrels, we have seen - one on the bank of the Outlet, & one on Ladies Delight Hill carrying a butternut.
A few young red squirrels have been seen & hazel nut hulls & gnawed toadstools found.
Chipmunks are all about camp & climb the trees between the tents. They are very tame & some come to the hand for chocolate - their favorite food. Some of the young ones come into the cabin & on the piazza when we are at meals there. They fill their pouches with graham crackers & chocolate till it seems as if their skin would burst, & then are off to their holes. Before a storm they worked fast & furiously, storing dry leaves & food. One of the women said they were cutting off acorns near her tent & then carrying them to their holes.