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heard no more, for August has come.
The mother finds the blueberry patch very convenient. What a relief it must be for a hard driven parent to find berries - something that can't fly away from you! Once the mother made a pretty picture feeding one of her little ones ^[[insertion]] among the brakes [[/insertion]] sitting on a slender arch - ? brake stem ? - leaning toward it as it leaned toward her [[image - semicircle curve with two dots indicating scene described]] with fluttering wings.
Several times (Aug 4) I saw her put a whole blueberry into the bill of the youngster.
When families are not entertaining me flocks of warblers, apparently kept together by chickadees come trooping out from the woods. And how they fill the trees & keep your attention keyed up, to ever determine what they all are!
Why should they go banded with the chickadees? Perhaps they know that where chickadee calls, there will be a feast. Perhaps the singing [[underline]] phoe-be [[/underline]] or the [[strikethrough]] cheery [[/strikethrough]] unmistakable [[underlined]] chick-a-dee-dee [[/underlined]] are easier to  follow than any of their own small notes. Perhaps - who knows? - they like the company of the jolly little titmouse with his cheery heartening call. Who doesn't? A feeling of security may come with such good cheer too. A very misanthrope it would be, or a terrorist, who could hear gloomy feelings or forebodings with such notes singing in his ear! And when danger does threaten, the brave 
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[[start page]]

Transcription Notes:
Page was written in upside down. Page numbering is right side up. Transcribe upside down pg first then pg 95 Siobhan - you don't need to start a page with [[start page]] nor finish a page with [[end page]] except where moving from one page to the next in one image. See blue help tab to right.