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[[start page]][[underlined]] From My Tent Doorway in the Maine Woods [[/underlined]]

A sunny bit of second growth comprising young pines, slender ^[[insertion]] white [[//insertion]] birches, & ^[[insertion]] spotted barked [[/insertion]] maple & beech ^[[insertion]] whose leaves glow vivid yellow green in the sun, [[/insertion]] with a floor cover of brake with stems strong enough to hold a bird, & blueberries to furnish food; all on the edge of a lake where ^[[insertion]] cool drink & [[/insertion]] baths may be had in shallow water and warm sunshine comes in between the trees to quickly dry our ^ [[insertion]] feathers [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] affords [[/strikethrough]] such a bit of woodland attracts many birds. From my doorway I look out under [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] low arching branches [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] through a vista to the lake and across to the timbered shore beyond, & behind ^[[insertion]] which rise [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] the hazy or dark blue ridges of the White Mts. & the clouds [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] pile up above them. Two small tents ^[[insertion]] [[other?]] shore [[/insertion]] among the trees to the left of my vista give only a feeling of human companionship. A diving raft, seen through the fringe of trees up the lake also gives a pleasant feeling of [[deep?]] pleasure. Most of the day the birds may have full possession, for my tent is the last down the line and woods & lake have left the camp deserted. 
The twittering of swallows that hunt for insects flying back and forth over the water lilies. [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] whose green pads make [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] broad belts across the lake.
Waxwings beady notes remind me that it is getting 
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[underlined]] Index [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Animals [[/underlined]] - 59, 61
[[underlined]] Bald Fall [[/underlined]] - to foot in auto 58, 63.
[[underlined]] Ball Game [[/underlined]] 52
Camp Fire 24 [[underline]] Cranberry Bog 19 [[/underline]] 
" [[ditto for: "Camp"]] [[Tewuua?]] 3 - [[underline]] [[Ferus?]] [[/underline]] 10
[[underline]] Flowers [[/underline]] 27
Fryeburg Harbor 18
[[underline]] Lake & Mts.[[/underline]] 30
[[underline]] Montreal [[/underline]] 2 
[[underline]] Naples [[/underline]]
[[underline]] North Waterford [[/underline]] 25
[[underline]] Outlet. [[/underline]] 12 - 
[[underline]] Snakes [[/underline]] 29
[[underline]] Swamps [[/underline]] {Alder 36 
{Hemlock 41 -
{Outlet 44 -
[[underline]] Trees [[/underline]] - 50, 65 
[[underline]] Washington to Homewood [[/underline]] 1 [[underline]] Woods [[/underline]] 48 

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed upside down page first then right side up.