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Esther Jackson
2123 Eye Washington 7, D.C.
notes on exposure for Kodachrome film
sun 1/50 sec. F12 (Schultz at Bikini)
     for 35m.m. camera
overcast " " [[ditto for: 1/50 sec.]] F8
extreme bright " " [[ditto for: 1/50 sec.]] F16

Joe Wolhandler  306 3rd Ave. New York, N.Y. Oregon-3-2248
Mrs. H.R.P. Dikson  Kuwait Oil Co., Kuwait
Dr. H. Blegrad, Danish biological Station, Charlottenlund Slot
             Charlottenlund, Danmark
Edith J. Goode, 2141 Wyoming Ave, N.W., Wash, D.C.
   Maurer, 39 Exchange Street, New Haven
Joe Smith  Hofhūf
   Vincent Tyrrell Aramco Scotchman interested in birds
[[insertion]] Cecil [[/insertion]] C.B. Nelson, c/o American Eastern, New York
Morehead City, North Carolina   sharks in Jidda.
Ahmed Muhsin, cook on the "Palestine"

Kings name
  Ibn Abdel Aziz Ibn Abdel Rahman Al Faisal Al Saud
Mr. Harrison, sister in law Mrs. ^[[insertion]] W.H. [[/insertion]] Harrison works for Carnegie in Washington
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Excerpts from references

Regan, C.T.   1905
   "On fishes from the Persian Gulf--"
  Journ. Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc.  vol. XVI, no. 2  p. 318 et seq. 
  1. [[underline]] Hermirhamphus sidensis [[/underline]]   1 spec. from Karachi
  D-14, A-15, caudal forked, scales decid., 50-55 in longitudinal series   silver stripe on side.   188 m.m.
  2. [[underline]] Apogon holotaenia [[/underline]]   3 spec. from Muscat, 15-30 fath.
  3. [[underline]] Apogon melanotaenia [/underline]]   9 spec. from Charbar, Mekran coast & from Karachi
  4. [[underline]] A. spilurus [/underline]]   5 spec. Karachi
  5. [[underline]] Apeogonichthys nudus [/underline]]   9 spec. Karachi
  6. [[underline]] Cirrhitichthys calliurus [[/underline]]   2 sped. Muscat
  7. [[underline]] Platycephalus nigripinnic [[/underline]]   1 spec. Muscat, 15-30 fath.
  8. [[underline]] P. townsendi [[/underline]]   2 spec. Karachi; Muscat
  9. [[underline]] P. maculipinna [[/underline]]   [[circled]] 3 [[/circle]]  Muscat, 15-30 fath.
  10. [[underline]] Lepido trigla omanensis [[/underline]]   [[circled]] 3 [[/circle]]   Sea of Oman
  11. [[underline]] Percis smithii [[/underline]]   [[circled]] 2 [[/circle]]   Muscat
  12. [[underline]] Callionymus persicus [[/underline]]   [[circle]] 12 [[/circle]] Persian Gulf, Mekran, Muskat
  13. [[underline]] C. margaretae  [[/underline]]   [[circle]] 2 [[/circle]] Muscat
  14. [[underline]] C. muscatencis [[/underline]]   [[circle]] 2 [[/circle]] " [[ditto for: Muscat]]
  15. [[underline]] Blennius persicus [[/underline]]   [[circle]] 3 [[/circle]] Persian Gulf
  16. [[underline]] Salarias anomalus [[/underline]]   several fromo Persian Gulf & Mekran
  17. [[underline]] Petroscirtes mekranensis [[/underline]]   [[circle]] 1 [[/circle]] Jask, Mekran coast
  18. [[underline]] P. townsendi [[/underline]]   [[circle]] 1 [[/circle]] " " [[ditto for: Jask, Mekran]]]

also a list of 19 fish from 140-205 fath. in Sea of Oman