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I finished "the G-String Murders" by Gypsy Rose Lee. It was very real written and partly biographical and described Stage life very well. Dr. Gonet came this afternoon with his wife. He said I had bronchial pneumonia which is often fatal; my temp. is 100˚F. I will not leave for Dhahran for three or four days yet. I am as weak as a kitten. Fish processed this morning, and 2 Lati this afternoon. The 16 gal tank is loaded. I need to stay here at least three or four day to recuperate. Hussein bought 2 "Luti" in the p.m., U-48-142. The [[nahīd ?]] or [[underline]] zurmbuk [[/underline]] is the man-eater clam of Jidda. In Port Sudan it is called "cocaine" [[in blue ink]] genus [[underline]] Tridachna [[/underline]] [[/blue ink]].
  July 17 - Hussein arrived at 4 A.M. this morning with shark and [[underline]] Parapercis [[/underline]] in tow. 10 Riyals, I just barely squeezed them in the tank after injecting them with 2 blows a piece of the hypodermic. 
  Hussein had this quaint story of the Arab fisherman as the [[how ?]] the flounder has eyes on one side only. It seems one Hadji Sulaiman was eating a fish and he held it up to sun thus one side turned dark with the eye, and the belly white. Allah caused the changes. Hence it is now named as "samak saida Sulaiman."  
  I had midnight lunch again tonight.
  July 18 - I had two dreams this morning which were very lurid and stuck in my memory. They were in two separate parts a 1st & second:
  The first started and I was on the Cornell campus and the bells [[insertion]] chimes [[/insertion]] were ringing. I had a few classes yet before the May Day ball, and I remember Nat came up and I got a date for her.
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I don't remember my date at all and little about the dance but Larry was also there. The next morning we went off on a car drive into the green hills and vales up and down and around. We came to a creek and I remember seeing several strange Indians around.  [Just before I left the campus, I remember battling a large black & white billygoat who was following a tan and white female. Tho he had big horns he didn't hurt me much this happened in front of McGraw Hall.  Larry helped me. The goat and I were even I had both hands on his horns but couldn't let go.
  Finally we left the Indians who glowered at us and went on up stream seemingly undisturbed. We wandered far up Larry and I near the headwaters which we reached near sunset. We saw a low stone fort near by the stream on the brow of a hill. More likely it was an old mill stone house. Larry and I finally stopped looking under rocks and scaled the wall because some wild dogs were barking at us and a few Indians appeared again. We scaled the wall to apparent safety and there was an indentation on the roof and sort of a stone parapet around. Water was gushing in from the stream side because there was a damn but it didn't come through fast enough to fill more than one end of the spill way or trough which led to the spill way and turned the wheel I guess? It was old and apparently not used. I remember trying to urinate because I needed to but the excitement was too much. I had to forego it except for a squirt or two Night fell quickly and we didn't have peace long.