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large crested larks ,and also several black martins by a well. In the wells and springs we saw numerous large and small [[underline]] Cyprinodon dispar [[/underline]] and frogs. In one small oasis, we heard and saw numerous cicadas on the palm trees. Dick got hold of one specimen. They sound the same as the ones in the states and about the same size. We arrived about 12:15 at our native house in Hofhūf. The streets are all [[strikethrough]] mud [[/strikethrough]] quite wide. and the houses built of white mud. The trip was about 90 miles and was not bad.   In one spring pond I saw a red dragonfly, notonectids, whirligig beetles, and giant water beetles brownish in color. In some ponds there is blue green algae as there was in this.  In others is bright green filamentous [[underline]] Spirogyra [[/underline]] like algae, and other thick tan green scum algae.    We were going to see the Emir at 4 P.M.; it turned out we did not go till 10:45 P.M. Benji-Louie sounds like part of his name. He is Emir of Al Hasa and signed the letter for the Palestine. He looks about 45 and is fairly stout. He was quite and soft spoken but had humor, we just sort of explained our presence and business in mind which he already knew, but we did for courtesy. We stayed about 15 minutes or 20 thru a round of coffee and tea. His guards were well supplied with swords in silver scabbards, and there were a few guns around. His throne was a sea blue with some decorations and there were simple sofas along side. He did not express optimism for larger fish which is a good sign, but was not against the idea. We slept out on the roof under the stars which was quite cool.
July 30- We slept under mosquitoe nets and in the morning Dick got a good collection of small sand flies (the bad kind), numerous calex mosquitoes including one male, and one female [[underline]] Anopheles [[/underline]]. This morning we went out in the field at 7:30 A.M.
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with Sheik Rāshed as our guide, and Mohammed bin Salim as our interpreter.   Outside the near by town of Al Jaffur there was a small deep well, and a few small puddles where water had probably spilled and the was some green algae and they were full of small [[underline]] Anopheles [[/underline]] larvae.  From there we went to see the wells and springs ("ain") in the various date gardens.  We also went to see the large lake "Asfer" which was entirely dry but was thick with small green vegetation bushes, sedge, grass etc.  Then we went to see the large "ains" of El Kadood and Al Hagul. El Khadood was the most interesting and the larger of the two At the head end was close to 50 ft. deep of clear water. There were also numerous rice pattys with about 3 or 4 inches of water.  There were numerous grey frogs and also grey frogs with black spots.  In one deep pond there was a brown and white flat shelled turtle about 10", and later in the day I saw a black painted turtle.  There were a couple of large species of water beetles and I got them. I also saw quite a number of 3 inch mullet ([[underline]] chelon [[/underline]]), but we could not catch them. We had one in the net a couple of times and they cleared the top line by jumping over. I thought I saw some [[underline]] Gambusia [[underline]] like fish on the surface of the turtle ponds, but they were probably [[underline]] C. dispar [[/underline]]. Some of the killies are enormous and they are all rather darker in color than specimens from salt water. In one date garden I saw a small thrasher like bird with a ^[[insertion]] tan [[/insertion]] grey back and reddish brown large tail & also a smaller wren sized bird grey with a black tail (also large). I saw a glimpse of highly colored light blue iridescent bird which [[Sagaz?]] said might have been a kingfisher. It was about that size.
In the early afternoon, we went to Jebel Gara a large
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