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and for 2 or 3 minutes it seemed nothing appeared, and I thought it was a failure. Then a number of mullet started striking the surface and acted crazy and even went up in a narrow small canal, so I picked up over a dozen 2-3 inches long. There were a lot of kids around who were a damn nuisance so I did not hang around long. The killies were also hit but it seemed to me that they were not as easily affected as the mullet, and very few large killies were hurt at all. Frogs were all over the place on the grass and they were eating small killies by the dozens. It was hot tonight and they drove a noisy truck back and forth near the house for an hour or so. Then the drum beaters started in again about 4 hours later, only they were louder and more of them this time.
    Aug 2 - Cool at dawn and about 2 1/2 hrs. afterwards where it was 88°F air temperature in the date gardens. It was hazy early in the morning with the sun a silver ball, but it cleared up later on. Abdulla Atīf helped me again as my guide to the different ains.   The three new ains we visited were all about N.E. of ain Khadood. In fact we passed over the stream part of El Khadood further east. The first ain we stopped at was Al Jeffūr. It was a small ain with a small flow of water  it was about 18 ft. deep and 50 ft. in diameter and was almost round. There was a donkey irrigation well near by which I have illustrated because there was not enough light to take a picture. [[IMAGE: drawing of water well, with donkey walking down an incline. Labeled elements are: goat skin, native mud, cement, well, water]] I used the dip net and caught a frog, a painted turtle, several killies, water striders, and stinging water bugs and a straight spiral tiny snail which is not good news but there were
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mostly curved spiral snails with thin shells. Frogs were abundant, and there was abundant dark green rooted [[underline]] chara [[/underline]] like weed but no grass. The water was not as clear as most ains and there were apparently no mullet here. The donkeys that work hauling irrigation water are covered with old scars and fresh open sores and cuts and look in pretty rough shape. The rope and sweat probably cut into the hide. The next ain a little further N.E. was another long ain with a deep round spring at the head end like El Khadood and a stream of fair size going east from it, and a small stream going west, thus it overflowed in two opposite directions. The water temperature at Jeffūr was 87°F, and 1 1/2 hours later I got almost 89° at ain Fray henna. Frayhenna is similar to El Khadood but is smaller. In the spring I got a reading of 30 ft. There were apparently mullet present. So I mixed the usual 3 quts[[?]] of poison and laid it deep in the middle of one side of the ain. It tended to drift towards the smaller outlet but slowly. It soon dispersed and within 2 minutes there were mullet rushing around the surface all over the place almost jumping out on the bank upon the grass at the water's edge. It was quite a while before the killies were affected in mass, but when they were it hit them hard. Dead fish drifted as much as 500 yds down the big stream a few jumped into the entrance of the little stream some sank in the spring. Numerous fish were not recovered because a good collection had been made. I also got a couple of black leeches with red lined sides. In the house in the early morning, I caught a small lizard