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Revised list of Fish names (cross referenced) Phylogenetic order [[underline]] after Blegvad [[/underline]]  [[top right corner of right page]] 155 [[/top right corner]]

[[table (going across both pages), with 6 columns, and column labels: __, Scientific name, English equivalent, Arabic Persian Gulf, Arabic Red sea at Jidda, remarks]]

   | Scientific name| English equivalent| Arabic Persian Gulf| Arabic Red sea at Jidda| remarks

1.| Carcharinus| true sharks| naud (small) yaryūr khattaf(large)| oz(small) guerche(large| 

2.| Chiloscyllium griseum| nurse shark| hayyasah| 

3.| Zygaena| hammer head| agran|

4.| Pristis| saw fish ray| sayyafī|

5.| Rhinobatus granulatus| guitar ray| hirairī (small)| mihrat| 

6.| Rhynchobatus djiddensis| [[strikethrough]] djid [[/strikethrough]] spotted guitar ray| sūs (large)|
7.| Trygon gerradi| sting ray| lakhmah|
8.| Chriocentrus dorab| large tooth herring| hiff| 

9.| Chanos chanos| milkfish| [[strikethrough]] salmonī[[/strikethrough]]| salmonī| 

10.| Trygon sephen| sting ray| lakhmah| lugetta| 

11.| Duss umiera|    | ūm| 

12.| Dorosoma|      | īwāf| 

13.| Engraulis| anchovy| Ūm| 

14.| Sardinella| sardine| ūm| 

15.| Platosus anguillaris| poison catfish| 'āī| 

16.| Arius thalassinus| sea catfish| kimm| 

17.| Ophicthydae|       | naukūkah|       | P.Gulf

18.| " [[ditto for: Ophicthydae]] ?|    |    |    |  Red Sea

19.| Gymnothorax flavomarginata| morays|      | shaka 

20.| Gymnothorax javanicus| " [[ditto for: morays]]| 

21.| Gymnothorax buroensis| " [[ditto for: morays]]| 

22.| Gymnothorax petelli|   " [[ditto for: morays]]|
23.| Gymnothorax sp. |      " [[ditto for: morays]]|