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172    Persian Gulf fish

[[table with 4 columns: column 1: item number; columns 2-4 named: Scientific name, English, Arabic]]
   | Scientific name | English | Arabic
60.|[[underline]] Ablennes hians [[/underline]] | flat sided billfish | ghurraidhī
61.| Scombridae | tunas, bonitos | jibabāh (Bahrain), tibbon (Saihet)
62.|[[underline]] Sphyraena [[/underline]] | barracuda | dwailmī (small), jidd (large)
63.|[[underline]] Rhynchobatus [[/underline]] | guitar ray | hirairī (small), sūs (over 1 meter)
64.| Pleuronectidae (see #40) |
65.| Pleuronectidae | thin flounder | ṭabaqliziq
66.|[[underline]] Sphyrna [[/underline]] | hammerhead shark | aqrān
67.|[[underline]] Siganus siganus [[/underline]] | spike perch | sāfiah 'arabī^[[insertion]] y [[/insertion]]ah [['arabīyah]] 
68.|[[underline]] Siganus punctatus? [[/underline]] | reticulated " " [[ditto for: spike perch]] | sāfiah sunaifī
69.|[[underline]] Triacanthus indicus [[/underline]] | 3 spined leather fish | kulaib al dav
70.|[[underline]] Crenidens crenidens [[/underline]] | (see 28)
71.|            |  bottom green rooted grass | mash'ūrah
72.|[[underline]] Trygon [[/underline]] | sting ray | lakhmah
73.| Blenniidae (see also #19) | large blenny | farjāl
74.|          | branch coral | 'arīsh
75.|          | brain coral | bajimah
76.| Cephalopoda | cuttle fish | khath thāq
77.|[[underline]] Chiloscylliom griseum [[/underline]] | nurse shark | hayyāsah
78.|[[underline]] Lutjanus [[/underline]] | brown snapper | shuqqarah
79.|[[underline]] Arothron (Tetraodon) [[/underline]] | blowfish | fuql
80.|[[underline]] Chilonodon patoca [[/underline]] | smooth blowfish | 'anzah
81.|[[underline]] Carcharias menisorrah [[/underline]] | grey shark (small species) | nā'ūẓ
82.|[[underline]] Rachycentron canadus [[/underline]] | cobia | sikn
83.| Coelenterata | cross jellyfish (poisonous) | lwaithi
84.| " [[ditto for: Coelenterata]] | long tentacled jellyfish " [[ditto for: (poisonous)]] | dūl
85.| " [[ditto for: Coelenterata]] | large white jellyfish etc. (non-poisonous | fughlūl
86.| Echinodermata | short spined sea urchin | shīt ah
87.| " [[ditto for: Echinodermata]] | long spined " " [[ditto for: sea urchin]] | rammāyāh
88.| [[underline]] Chorinemus lysan [[/underline]] | leather jack (large) | ẓul'ah
[[end page]]

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Persian Gulf fishes
[[table with 4 columns: column 1: item number; columns 2-4 named: Scientific name, English, Arabic]]
   | Scientific name | English | Arabic
89.| [[underline]] Brachirus orientalis [[/underline]] | sole | hofār
90.| [[underline]] Plotosus anguillaris [[/underline]] | poison catfish | 'āī
91.| [[underline]] Echeneis naucrates [[/underline]] | shark sucker | lazzāq
92.|       | fish hawk  osprey | abū ḥaqub
93.| [[underline]] Choerodon [[/underline]] | large wrasse | haqrūr
94.| [[underline]] Mugil [[/underline]] | large mullet | large= biauh, maidi small
95.| [[underline]] Lutjanus [[/underline]] | red fin snapper | shekkah
96.| [[underline]] Caranx [[/underline]] (small) | jack fish | rabīb 
97.| [[underline]] Tylosurus [[/underline]] (see 23) 
98.| [[underline]] Pristis zysron [[/underline]] | sawfish ray | sayyāfī
99.| [[underline]] Lutjanus coccineus [[/underline]] ? | red snapper | shuqqarah (see 78)
100.| [[underline]] Caranx [[/underline]] | large jackfish | qūfdar
101.| broad porgy (dried) | probably misnamed "burtam" in Manama market | 
102.| Sphyraena | barracuda (4 inch yg. | halir
103. Mullidae (see #9) | yellow lined goatfish | jinnaisī, būsīyah
104.| [[underline]] Euthynnus alleteratus [[/underline]] ? | "bonito" wet salt fillets (Manama) | malhah
105.| [[underline]] Hippocampus [[/underline]] | sea horse | wuzz 
106.| Exocoetidae | flying fish | jarādah
107.| Mullidae | red goatfish | hāmar 'arabī
108.| " [[ditto for: Mullidae]] | black goatfish| hāmar bahrainī
109.|[[underline]] Istiophorus [[/underline]] ? | marlin, sword fish | silsāl
110.| Gastropoda | brown snail | wudili
111.|[[underline]] Sparus spinifer [[/underline]] | pink porgy (no hump) | baqarah
112.|[[underline]] Trachinotus [[/underline]] | pompano | bint at tair
113.|[[underline]] Plectorhynchus [[/underline]] | small grey grunt | mthoa, hobur
114.|     | Ctenophore shaped jellyfish | qullīyānah
115.|[[underline]] Platax [[/underline]] | crescent angel fish | amord?
116.|[[underline]] Terapon jarbua [[/underline]] | target fish | dhīb (also a shark?)
117.|[[underline]] Caranx [[/underline]] | silver jack (small) | jibb