Viewing page 12 of 88

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Governor Elbery - July 20th 1860
- In Holsteinburg District or colony 197
[[strikethrough]] Colony [[/strikethrough]] 
        Kerrortnsiik Inhabitants  103
 " [[ditto for: colony]] [[Omannsiik?]]   "  [[ditto for: inhabitants]]  97
 " [[ditto for: colony]] [[Sanfangoak?]]  "  [[ditto for: inhabitants]] 158
 " [[ditto for: colony]] [[Itcb-lik?]]    "  [[ditto for: inhabitants]] 108
[[pencil line]] 

Product last year Seal Blubber 5000 lbs
1 Whale }
sometimes 10 - & 12 } [[bracketed with above]]
Liver of Sharks 2000 lbs.
Rein - deer   whole number 300
{ Has been since Gov - here }
{ 5000 to 6000              }

Fox - Skins In number Blue ^[[insertion]] 100 [[/insertion]] & White ^[[insertion]] 150 [[/insertion]] 250
{ "Eider Down"  before cleaning  500 lbs }
{               after    " [[ditto for: cleaning]] 100 lbs!} 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
{ In Holsteinburg District whole number Europeans } = 10

Governor's House
Priests     "  [[ditto for: house]]
Church      "  [[ditto for: house]]
Lt. Gov.    "  [[ditto for: house]]
Market - - - -
[[strikethrough]] dance [[/strikethrough]] "  [[ditto for: house]] (Dance House)
Brewer      "  [[ditto for: house]]
Blacksmith  "  [[ditto for: house]]
[[vertically on left]] 1 G Hous Girl. [[/vertically on left]]
2 Warehouses
Cooper      " [[ditto for: house]]
2 Dry-Houses  " [[ditto for: house]]
13 Esquimaux  " [[ditto for: house]] Danish Built
3    "  [[ditto for: Esquimaux]] Turf Houses
1 School House
{ 1 Dead  "   [[ditto for: house]]  where the dead are }{placed for 6 days before burial. Dig graves in winter }

4 Midwives - 2 have a good medical education obtained in Copenhagen & Receive 70 dollars (Danish) per year.

Transcription Notes:
Elbery - name checked FI [[end page]] & [[start page]] only required between the two pages, not beginning or end