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Between 12 1/2 & one o'clock. I took a sketch of an Ice-berg that was aground, although ^[[insertion]] it was [[/insertion]] out 30 miles from shore.
I may appropriately title it "The Gothic Ice-berg" for the side facing me had ^[[insertion]] a row of [[/insertion]] complete Arches of ^[[insertion]] the true [[/insertion]] Gothic order. And then running the whole length of this berg were Mouldings, [[strikethrough]] roun [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] smooth [[/insertin]] projections in solid ice, rivalling in beauty & sym^[m]etry [[underlined]] of all its parts [[/underlined]] any that I ever saw. The architecture, frieze & cornice of each pillar supporting the arches above were [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] as ^[[insertion]] beautifully [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] classically big[/strikethrough]] represented as [[strikethrough]] the[[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] an [[/insertion]]imaginative genius could conceive. Here & there [[strikethrough]]in [[/strikethrough]] on this berg, I saw matchless beauty displayed in the curvatures of lines of some of its ^[[insertion]] truly ornamental [[/insertion]] parts.  Springing out from a rude recess, away up [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in its vast height, I saw a beautifying scroll ^[[insertion]] whose contour was [[/insertion]] quite in character with Hogarth's "Line of Beauty".
This Morning IX O'Clock there was a difference of 4 Degrees in ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] written above insert mark]] two Thermometers
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I keep on deck, although both were in the shade ^[[insertion]] (20 feet apart) [[strikethrough]] 20 feet apart [[/strikethrough]] & apparently [[/insertion]] & [[strikethrough]] insert mark [[/strikethrough]] equally exposed to the changes of the temperature. This shows that only an approximation can ever be arrived at in determining the different degrees of temperature of any region. A person may exercise great care in selecting places for suspending the thermometers, & if they are apart, [[underlined]] no two will agree [[/underlined]], except occasionally.
Friday, Aug 3d 1860

We have been stood[[strikethrough]] ing [[/strikethrough]] off from land through the night. This morning the rain had ceased but an impenetrable fog still hung around us. We are now returning to the point we left ^[[insertion]] last night [[/insertion]] -
Temperature of Sea water has been for several days 36°l]] - Air this morning 38° - Barometer stands 29 4/10. wind still southerly.
At X O'clock A.M the sun shone out faintly. -XI 1/4 brightly - XII Sun obscured.