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falls but a trifle from perpendicular.  Frozen waters of ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Winters are doing wondrous works in throwing down these mountains.  If water can find a crack in Rock that is bound to be broken asunder.  The innovation's of men give them easy power to split Rocks ^[[insertion]] that is [[/insertion]] massive & hard.  This is done by drilling holes & entering into them steel ^[[strikethrough]] wages [[/strikethrough]] wedges which are acted upon by slight blows - another way is to Drill deep into the rocks & charge with Gunpowder.  But God has His way ^[[insertion]] of [[/insertion]] of splitting Rocks!   He uses The [[strikethrough]] Rain [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] little snow & rain [[/insertion]] drops. ^[[insertion]] They [[/insertion]] find their way into every [[strikethrough]] [[?]] & [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] recess - [[strikethrough]] Silently & Slowly they do their work [[/strikethrough]] Crevices are ^[[insertion]] at length [[/insertion]] filled with solid ice.  They are enlarged. Chasms now yawn.  Another winter & down the cliffs from their rude heights fall, making the Earth to quake in her cover.
There are many, ^[[insertion]] very [[/insertion]] many Rocks that will be cast from their places, high up the mountains, next Spring.  A person can hardly conceive the quantity of Rock that is lifted from [[strikethrough]] their[[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] its [[/insertion]] bases every season by the freezing of water!
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Never can I forget the visit I made ^[[insertion]] on this excursion [[/insertion]] to the stream that runs wildly down the mountain's side between the 1st & 2 lakelets near "Cow-tuk-jew-ut harbor across the water from "Oo-Kood-leer".
For 1/3 of a mile the stream is covered by a huge pile of snow - I crossed ^[[insertion]] to the other side of [[/insertion]] this with my Esquimaux boy, went down to the stream itself to slack my thirst. I kneeled down & drank up the sparkling waters.  As I looked around, before rising, What did I see? - A Cave of Alabaster! Snow arches, numberless & incomparable!  [[strikethrough]] Several [[/strikethrough]] At a point where several Arches commenced to spring ^[[insertion]] [[/strikethrough]]  [[?]] [[insertion]] were [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] pendant ^[[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] finely formed ice- ^[[insertion]] sickles [[/insertion]] from which poured perpendicular to the Earth [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] unbroken [[/insertion]] streams of water having the appearance of inverted columns of crystal supporting the Arches.  The number of these columns was great.  Away, far down the [[strikethrough]] stre [[/strikethrough]] cave through which the stream passed all was dark - dark as Crimerian darkness.  From this I turned my eyes upward