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Am again confronted with dirty table manners of frenchman or [[strikethrough]] european [[/strikethrough]] continentals generally. Then long stroll along Boulevard Our old "Hotel Moderne" where Celine and I stayed in 1897 is still going on. Went to [[underlined]] Jacobi [[/underlined]] Mrs. Fred. Jacobi there and took supper. Too early to go to bed so went to some of those half artistic half bohemian cabarets at Montmarte. All rather artificial, and very tiring. Very much Coney Island style
April 2. Wrote letters all morning a very slow job at its best Went for lunch at l'Escargot noticed again incredible stuffing of eaters and horrible table manners. Pet dogs everywhere who help [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] eating. [[Shoes?]] for dogs. coats for dogs. Crocker's daughter 

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of whom Celine speaks seems to have a numerous tribe everywhere in Paris. Trifling stupid life everywhere here.. Wit instead of intellect. All act like children, perverted children. I believe [[strikethrough]] on o [[/strikethrough]] one of the reasons Jews are so despised in Europe is that they have kept most of the objectionable european continental manners and habits Multitudes of idlers (flaneurs) Went to visit musee des arts et Metiers very interesting but everything seems so antiquated, seems as if french industry had remained stagnant. Met Dr. Pond of State College Pa. and his numerous family in Musee. Went to see "Chaste Suzanne" but the theatre seemed so much like a murderers' hole-like most parisian theaters-that I changed my mind and went to see "Don Quixolte" at 
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