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Theatre lyrique. Would have enjoyed this opera but for bad odors, uncomfortable seats, bad ventilation, unterminable exhausts. Place seems again like a badly kept Browery theatre. Notice earrings in ears of all women. Many woman have also decided mustaches which makes them still more coarse looking
[[underline]] April 3. [[/underline]]  Fine statuary everywhere except that absurd collection of statues on Place Concorde? more particularly the are representing Alsace. But some people are so fascinated here that they live in a trance and find everything beeauteefuul. Jacobi for instance thinks that Place Vendome is the triumph of architecture! Went for lunch at Duval' Restaurant. Food excellent

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quickly and well served by business like [[strikethrough]] serve [[/strikethrough]] girl-waiters checks presented like in America and all very cheap. -First example of efficiency seen thus far. Supper at [[underlined]] Jacobi [[/underlined]] went with him to Scala vaudeville. Dirty obscene nauseating allusions. Many women in the audience, most seemed  married and laughed heartily at any dirty sayings.  
April 4. Went to Bank for cash. Long waiting again. Bought steamer rug.. With [[underlined]] Jacobi [[/underlined]] for lunch to Prunier's. Evening to his house for supper remained till late Sleepless night very nervous and feverish
April 5. Up at seven. Packed trunks Gare du nord. Special train for steamer. Long ride. Around Boulogne at 1 P.M Steamer far in sea. Long

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