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April 30.  Beautiful Spring day
1913.  Feel very happy today. Remained home clearing belated correspondence.
May 1 Dictated all morning
1913  [[underlined]] Rossi[[/underlined]] here for lunch Much good news from him
Says [[underlined]]Alford is his best man[[/underlined]] Uses alcohol now for pipe-stem material with good effect.  Says intends to use more ammonia for wood flour mixtures too. Fine weather.  Feel happy.
Brought him back to Cortlandt Station with Celine and Nina.
May 2.     Beautiful day.  Busy dictating.  May reports failure of Oriental Bed Co our loss is $1200.  [[underlined]]Simmons [[/underlined]] stops using Bakelite for his bed steads [[underlined]] and goes back [[/underlined]] to shellac and sends $2000
[[end page]]
of material back
 Spent evening at supper at [[underlined]] Dr. Alexander Smith. [[/underlined]] women overdressed and covered with jewelry.  A rather other world for us.  Prof. [[underlined]] Franklin of Leland [[/underlined]] Stanford there too.  Home 12 M.
[[underlined]]May 3.[[/underlined]]  Met Frank [[underlined]]L. Dyer [[/underlined]]at 11 AM at his office of General Film Co.  He seemed to be rather conciliatory when I told him had to cancel proposal because it might conflict with Sherman law.  Will have to submit it to [[underlined]]Rich Brown [[/underlined]]
Asked license for composite cardboard at which I poked fun at him.  Lunched at Chemists Club Then went to University Club to see [[underlined]]Women Suffrage [[/underlined]]parade.
Very warm day. admired the plucky women marching bravely in the sun, orderly and undaunted by frying weather.  Recognized [[underlined]]Celine and Nina.[[/underlined]]  Overheard 
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Transcription Notes:
Frank L. Dyer was head of General Film Co. (found on Google). HK Transcriber copied Baekeland's lines exactly. Few words on each line. Too cumbersome and unnecessary. I restructured. HK