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right one of our hungarian workmen, and seemingly  fatally injuring another our foreman Bennet escaped being too far off but was thrown on ground.  Took immediately train to Perth Amboy.  Second workman is still alive at hospital but there is some hope for him.  Stills had been tested at 200 lbs at [[strikethrough]] factor [[/strikethrough]] machine works and retested by us at 200 lbs.  Working pressure was 100 lbs.  It looks to me as if stay bolts had cracked off by frequent heating and cooling of jacket.  Wrote down immediately instructions to Fuller (Gordon has been called to Westinghouse on account of trouble with varnish) to reduce pressure on all
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our pots or stills by means of suitable reducing valves and to order at once two more steel stills and as soon as they arrive to scrap the others.
I note that place is more and more crowded and that we badly need the addition to our buildings. - I am sorry to think that our industry has caused these victims.  Up till now I have prided myself [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] to have been connected only with concerns where no serious accidents occurred.  Let it be a lesson to take all precaution and introduce all possible safety devices. Remained there till 6 PM took hasty supper at Postkeller in New York then home.
July 9. Spent morning dictating
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