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instructions for Gordon so as to avoid anymore such accidents.
At 1 P.M went with motor to experimental laboratory of [[underlined]] Royal Baking Powder [[/underlined]] Co in Brooklyn.  Peters Paulus and Waldenberger there.  Saw wooden converter cell running.  Will learn results Paulus showed me the excellent clinical plant he had installed  Drove lunch with Paulus and came home about 7 P.M.  Finally rain to night breaking the long drought
July 10.  News from man in hospital better.  Spent all morning dictating letters  relative [[underlined]]Raschig & Braun [[/underlined]]  suits and other [[illegible]] patent matters Bad news from Remy [[strikethrough]] Del [[/strikethrough]] Delco etc. in relation
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to our molding mixtures.  [[underlined]] delco [[/underlined]]  reported to have switched over to [[underlined]] Condensite [[/underlined]]  and Remy etc. liable to follow.  All due on account of irregularity of results. - Probably the damp hot weather with its variations has much to do with this. - Everything seems to be going wrong everywhere!  Went to NY after lunch to meet [[underlined]] Mr. Porter of R.B.P.Co [[/underlined]] told him about conditions at Brooklyn and unless he wanted engage [[underlined]] Dr. Hamlin[[/underlined]]  I would engage him for General Bakelite Co.  He says he cannot decide before one or two months so we concluded I would take him.  Told him I cannot afford to give as much time to the Brooklyn  research matters as I would like and therefore proposed that they would cease
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Transcription Notes:
Raschig & Braun german company - HK