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July 17.  [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] Here all day.  At 4 P.M went to fetch [[underlined]] Dr. Bowman[[/underlined]]  and [[underlined]] Hendrick [[/underlined]] at 72d street and brought them here for supper.  Went back with them till 72d street.  Jolly evening.
July 18.  Somewhat hazy weather Here all day.  Evening [[underlined]] Baskerville [[/underlined]] and family arrived unexpectedly with his new National Motor car and stayed for supper.
July 19.  Nice open weather.  Home all day. reading
July 20. Another beautiful day but things are drying up.  On evening Miss Vance and her brother here for supper.  He makes the impression of a pessimistic [[sneering?]] ^old^ bachelor.
July 21.  Another beautiful open day.  Afternoon went to New York Back with [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 6:15 P.M
July 22. - Fine weather.  Easy going day.  Laurence in
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vacation since Saturday Evening [[underlined]] Celine [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Nina [[/underlined]] left to join [[underlined]] George's [[/underlined]] camp in the Adirondacks.  Went to bed early
July 23. Dictating all morning Afternoon drove to Buick garage and other automobile requisites.  Met [[underlined]] Bowman [[/underlined]] and went with him for supper at a new restaurant called Carlton. then Chemists Club then to [[underlined]] Bustanoby [[/underlined]] which is said to be one of the late resorts.   There was dancing in middle of restaurant but saw no drunkards nor excessive drinking  In fact only one or two persons in restaurant had champagne and place was  entirely decorous. - [[strikethrough]] What [[/strikethrough]] no noise nor anything objectionable except that the whole thing
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