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discourage [[underlined in red]] Rossi [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Swan[/red underline]]. Feel very tired. then went to [[red underline]] Inventors Guild at Delmonico [[/red underline]]. Henry L Dougherty just back from Europe. Weston. there too. Discussion of meeting [[red underline]] Ewing [[/red underline]] in view of presenting bill for commission. Ellis told me a certain H.H. Smith and [[red underline]] Beattie [[/red underline]] are trying to make competing product and are located in Astoria Long Island. May has told me that [[red underline]] McCargo [[/red underline]] has offered [[red underline]] Jones [[/red underline]] to engage him at higher price than we are paying and Jones intends to leave.
Sept 27. Called up [[red underline]] Hasslacher [[/red underline]] to make him acquainted with the Jones story, He knew it already.  May had told him the offered salary
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was $5000. I called up Jones to come her in Yonkers for some technical conference.  He then voluntarily told me of [[red underline]] McCargo's [[/red underline]] offer. which is totally different than [[/red underline]] May's story [[/red underline]] McCargo intends to ask me whether if he offers Jones $1000 a year we would for one year let Jones go from Saturday till Monday to Pittsburgh to supervise their packing plant and act as consultant.  Jones here for supper. We all drove together to New York. Celine to hear Jane Adams. George Nina and myself to a stupid play called Nearly Married.  Blew out two tires.  Feel much relieved about Jones situation.
Sept. 28 (Sunday) Beautiful mild clear day.  [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] here for lunch. Discussed his new
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