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the point and mentioned its solubility in neutral oil or cyclic hydrocarbons as well as monochloronaphthalene without the necessity of adding phenol cresol or nitrobenzol. But did not tell him the [[strikeout]] nature of [[/strikeout]] composition of the new material  Showed him solutions in monochloronaphthalene and in neutral oil, explained how by heating at 110°C they gelatinized and how longer applications made them still harder.  Explained the details of impregnation process and showed him the apparatus in which we had [[underscore red]] impregnated the sample coils [[/underline red]] we had prepared for him Gotthelf and Lawrence present also Hamlin altho' the later did not join in the conversation.  Gifford seemed very interested.
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October 8. Rainy day. Dictated letters
Oct 9. [[underscore red]] Jones [[/underscore]] here. Explained him all what Townsend told me about [[underscore red]] Resorein [[/underscore]] and the experiments we had made here.  Explained him also my plans and suggested experiments for him after he had repeated ours.
[[underscore red]] Celine [[/underscore red]] went out [[strikeout]] in car [[/strikeout] to meeting near Tuxedo with car and several Yonkers [[underscore red]] lady-suffragets [[underscore red]] Weather cloudy first then cleared up. [[underscore red]] Jones [[/underscore red]] for supper here.
Oct 10. Here all morning.  Invited for lunch by [[underscore red]] Hasslacher [[/underscore red]] at Drug Club to meet [[underscore red]] Dr. Buel [[/underscore red]] and Mr. Ellis President of Gas Co. in Providence R.I. [[underscore red]] Buel leaves tomorrow.  Maurolff and other R&H people there Later met [[underscore red]] williamson [[/underscore red]] and [[underscore red]] Frank Low [[/underscore red]] at our office. Their trouble now is that their
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