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preparing report and data for Fowle's Electrical Handbook.  Then till late at night wrote letters to [[red underline]] mother, [[/red underline]] sister and Remouchamps Slept very poorly.
Nov 24.  Went to office.  learned there accident in Pittsburg not serious.  [[red underline]] Cast iron mold exploded in press. [[/red underline]] not due to bakelite but to [[strikethrough]] exces [[/strikethrough]] excessive heating. [[strikethrough]] Took lunch [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] who is [[red underline]] now under Swan [[/red underline]] took lunch with me.  Went to Perth Amboy at 2 P.M. having missed my train.  Mr. Samuel[[red underline]] T. Peters [[/red underline]] had preceded me.  Spent most of time with [[underlined]] Jones. [[/underlined]]  His samples do not please me. 
Spent most of time with [[red underline]] Jones. [[/red underline]] His samples do not please me.
Windows are being put in new factory building.  Peters and I returned
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together Took supper at Chemists Club.  Home 11:40 P.M.
Nov 25.  A very busy day writing letters to mother etc. then dictating.  Kept at it till late specially answering questions of [[red underline]] Neave's [[/red underline]] p^r^ogram for [[red underline]] Nikolas [[/red underline]] suit. - Dictating machine comes in handy. here.
Nov 26.  Home all day
Nov 27.  (Thanksgiving day) Home all day. writing letters to [[red underline]] mother [[/red underline]] etc.
Nov. 28.  A hurried morning following in laboratory experiments for Novolak with ammonia and hexa.  Visit of Dr. [[red underline]] Estabrooke [[/red underline]] who tells me [[red underline]] Leslie Sutherland Jr. [[/red underline] chemist for Zinsser has new way of preparing Bakelite. submitted samples of yellow C. in sticks.  More brittle than ours, odor of free phenol, [[strikethrough]] claims [[/strikethrough]] if heated somewhat can cut off pieces with my nail.  Showed him that in function
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