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it does not begin to compare with our C.  Showed also [[strikethrough]] nature of [[/strikethrough]] a black disc molded, seems rather brittle tells me day after tomorrow [[red underline]] Zinsser [[/red underline]] is about to sign contract with a pipe manufacturer.  That [[red underline]] Wiechmann [[/red underline]] has found to be a "four flusher" and has been "found out".  I showed him my variety of samples, gave him our two booklets my reprints etc and made appointment with him and Sutherland for Wednesday evening next.
At 4 P.M went to Chemists Club to meet Mr. Hirschland the representative of Dr. [[red underline]] Hans Goldsmith [[/red underline]]
[[note in left margin]] # 2 hours [[black underline]] Hooker Co [[/black underline]] [[/left margin]] who desires to inquire about Townsend Cell for installing electrolyte plant in Germany 
Met him with Bush. Told him to apply to Leverkusen and
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we would keep matter confidential in the mean time.  Gave him general information relative voltage, ampere efficiencies, strength of caustic solution etc.  Afterwards at supper at [[red underline]] Chemists Club. [[/red underline]] [[Mersceau?]] who seemed to be in usual ^[[drunken]] condition, started raising much noise about Grosvenor trying to arrange nomination ticket.  Noticed that Love and Duggan afterwards got quite excited and talked about same subject.  Wrote letter to [[red underline]] Grosvenor [[/red underline]] to warn him and be cautious, ditto to Baskerville because [[Mersceau?]] referred to Baskerville as if the latter too was antagonistic to Grosvenor 
Went with Baker of Am. Can Co to theatre to see Temperamental Journey then went to sleeping car.
[[underline]] Nov. 29. [[/underline]] Directly to Cosmos Club for breakfeast.  Little sleep and feel tired.  Spent morning with
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