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so hoarse could hardly speak.  A real bore.  Very nervous etc.
[[red underline]] Lee's [[/red underline]] address short and good and much in our own favor.
[[red underline]] Barrow's [[/red underline]] address shorter than MacKayes and better prepared.
Townsend shortest and best.  Most amusing fact is that at the end of all arguments when we had tried to show the claims badly worded and ought to be changed this supported by Leo, Barrows finally admitted that we could all sit down and rewrite the claims 
this put MacKaye hastily to his feet and he objected most strenuously.
Took supper with [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] at Shoreham then went
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to see play of Mannitoba farmers life called "The promised Land" with [[strikethrough]] Billy [[/strikethrough]] Billie Burke as leading lady  Well played.
December 2. Went to [[red underline]] Bureau of Standards  Celine [[/red underline]] to her [[red underline]] suffrage meetings. [[/red underline]] Dr. Curtis is in his new laboratory building, splendidly  equipped.  He tells me that Condensite, Bakelite Redmannite all show about the same insulating qualities and surface conductivity except the later sample of Bakelite 
[[vertical red line in left margin]](Made from Phenol Novolak + 2 parts of [[red underline]] anhydroformaldehyde which stands by a class of itself [[/red underline]] and has such a low surface conductivity that if it were somewhat lower it would be impossible to determine it because it is so near the [[strikethrough]] surface [[/strikethrough]] conductivity of air. [[/vertical red line in left margin]]
Spent afternoon with