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[[symbol of circle topped by a cross in upper left margin]]
Jones has good samples. Townsend's elaboration on his diagram locating all the patents cited in the prior act.
[[symbol of circle topped by a cross in left margin with note]] one hour R.B.P. Co. [[/note in left margin]]
At noon time arranged lunch with Porter of [[red underline]] Royal Baking [[/red underline]] Powder Co.  Gave him short report and recommendations relative visit Brooklyn.  Recommended immediate purchase small boiler 80 lbs. steam
Power generating plant 3500 Amp not to be purchased but to be rented.
Am against deviating our attention to HCl. plant.  Then went back to Neave and remained there till 7 P.M   hurried to house of Robins where I found [[red underline]] Robins [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Mershon [[/red underline]], they being the only ones who had shown up.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Home with 11:40 P.M. told them confidentially about my bill [[red underline]] for ^[[patent]] commission [[/red underline]]
Townsend at the meeting in the morning gave me [[red underlined]] Wiechmann's [[/red underline]] patent just issued for making bakelite by means of solution of paraform in phenol!
[[strikethrough]] Dec 25. [[/strikethrough]] Dec. 5
Very busy day writing letter to member [[red underline]] of Chemists Club. [[/red underline]] Sent copy of same [[strikethrough]] special delivery [[/strikethrough]] with Celine to Grosvenor. who will print it.
Watched experiments in laboratory  Missed for first time meeting of [[red underline]] Inventors Guild. [[/red underline]]
Dec. [[strikethrough]] c 2. [[/strikethrough]] 6. Beautiful day. Another busy day in lab. hurrying out latest experiments in regard to Nikolas suit and samples.
Dec [[strikethrough]] c.2. [[/strikethrough]] 7. (Sunday) Heavy foggy sultry day. preparing suit for [[red underline]] Nikolas [[/red underline]] Gotthelf here all day. Rainy.  Hamlin came two hours

Transcription Notes:
The last two dates look like he'd originally written Dec. 26 and Dec. 27, and then wrote over the small c and 2 with a large C to cover the incorrect date.