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Felt very tired and therefore went to see an insipid play which made me fall asleep while [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] went to visit Toch.
[[black underline]] Dec 18.  [[/black underline]] Well rested and feel confident. [[red underline]] Gotthelf [[/red underline]] back in Yonkers to determine whether sample of Saarbach contains metacresol or  is phenol. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas  [[/vertical note in left margin]]  
To my disappointment found that another case ^[[before Judge Chatfield]] has right of any over us and threatens to postpone our trial for three weeks unless we want to go on taking testimony outside of court.  [[red underline]] Neave is disposed to accept postponement, [[/red underline]] or testimony out of court. [[red underline]] I oppose [[/red underline]] myself vigorously. stating that I am willing to take all the blame and insisting specially that [[red underline]] Nikolas be heard in open court. [[/red underline]] His lawyers want the same
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Concluded to take testimony of Dr.[[red underline]] Walker [[/red underline]] in library while the judge is proceeding with the other case.  After adjournement found that the other suit struck a snag which requires delay, so Judge Chatfield can keep on with ours.  A
[[vertical note in red pencil in left margin]] Nikolas [[/vertical note in left margin]]  
Afternoon [[red underline]] Nikolas [[/red underline]] himself examined. [[red underline]] Looks foxy [[/red underline]] and his [[strikethrough]] poker [[/strikethrough]] unexpressive poker face only showed signs of excitement when crossexamined and when finally the Judge decided to [[strikethrough]] late [[/strikethrough]] let us take more samples at his agency in Brooklyn.  At least they do not deny any longer that they have an agency in Brooklyn!
We are all rather pleased with the proceedings. Took [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Jones [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] supper to [[red underline]] Hofbrau- [[/red underline]] haus. and there [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] developed new line of return compelling [[red underline]] Nikolas [[/red underline]] to make sample of his lacquer before our eyes so that