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[[note in top margin with double underline in red and black]] X Lightproof C. [[/note in top margin]]
[[note written vertically in left margin]]
Nikolas     Light proof C. [[/note in left margin]]
about results of their work and divided further work. [[red underline]]Hamlin [[/red underline]] has repeated experiments of [[red underline]] Gotthelf [[/red underline]] in producing [[red underline]]permanent transparent C. ^[[X]]  [[/red underline]] for pipe stems which does not change in color except slightly.  By making A from [[red underline]]Hexamethylenetetramine  triphenol, [[/red underline]] heated then mixed with some benzyl-benzoate anilin, terpineol and similar solvents then heating under pressure. 
Beautiful mild day Spent most of afternoon and evening on talking machine, dictating all letters of belated mail.  Evening.  [[red underline]] Robert de Vecchi [[/red underline]] here for supper. 
Monday. Dec. 22.  Early to Brooklyn [[red underline]] testimony in library.  Mersereau [[/red underline]] appeared and stated that he had analyzed carbolic acid
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[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas [[/vertical note in left margin]]
from National [[Aniline?]] & Chemical Co containing as much as [[red underline ]] 1% [[pyridine?]] [[/red underline]] and remembers a sample some years ago which contained 2%. Stated however that he found [[black underline]] no [[/black underline]] ammonia.  Stated also that he never had analyzed cristalline carbolic  [[red underline]] Nikolas [[/red underline]] submitted as only bill obtainable a bill from recently ordered. (within the time of trial) crude carbolic acid 5 barrels.  after he had [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] admitted that he only had obtained sample lots from there.  
We saw on telegram he had sent that he had wired for [[red underline]] "Alcohol Lacquer Bestead [[/red underline]] filter".  So [[red underline]] Neave [[/red underline]] immediately told us secretly to secure some of this lacquer which after all was not such a dark secret because it is obtainable in open market. Suit postponed to next Monday.