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[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas [[/vertical note in left margin]]  
cross examined all morning  Slow questions slower answers stupid questions.  I got desperately bored.  All this occuring in the library the [[red underline]] Judge not being present [[/red underline]] as he tells he is busy with writing an opinion on another case.
Afternoon redirect examining of [[red underline]] Gothelf. [[/red underline]] - he braced up somewhat and made a better witness.
Evening.  Jones Townsend and myself went to Hofbrauhaus then went to see a photo play.  To bed tired at 10 P.M.
Jan 6.  Open court [[red underline]] Judge Chatfield [[/red underline]] presiding.  [[red underline]] Gothelf [[/red underline]] recross. then Jones then myself.  This is an important day for us in as far as our testimony is concerned.
Jan 7.  Awaked at 4 A.M and
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[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas
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wrote article in answer to [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] till about 7. A.M.
[[red underline]] Recross examination of myself [[/red underline]] in library.  Gave them some good wallops.  Afternoon [[red underline]] Saarbach [[/red underline]] came to testify as to his analysis of samples.  His method is all wrong but otherwise his results are compatible with ours.  Will show him this tomorrow on cross.
He also brought samples made with 10% KOH to show that no separation of water occurs. [[red underline]] but did not try to make a varnish [[/red underline]]  All this came suddenly on us in the afternoon late.  We all went to Neave's office to discuss results and to plan cross examination for tomorrow. Sent [[red underline]] Jones [[/red underline]] to factory to make varnish with 10% KOH and report to me over telephone as to his results. I have a violent headache and feel very tired