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Jan 8.  This was a great day for us. Neave got [[red underline]] Saarbach [[/red underline]] to admit his method liable to errors and to accept Gothelf methods.  At one time of proceedings [[strikethrough]] he un [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Saarbach [[/red underline]] did not know whether tribromophenol [[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas [[/vertical note in left margin]] test was acceptable.  We hunted in books right and left to find reference to it could find none. So I 'phoned to Yonkers for them.  but in meantime took cab, went to [[red underline]] Dr. Fay [[/red underline]] at Polytechnic Institute, there got [[red underline]] Beilstein [[/red underline]] and Mullecken, rushed back to courtroom and there got [[red underline]] Saarbach [[/red underline]] to admit citations which went on record. 
Then after lunch [[red underline]] Jones [[/red underline]] arrived with baked lacquer samples in iron which were made with 10% NaOH. They
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were hard and entirely insoluble in acetone. But [[red underline]] Nikolas [[/red underline]] got around and put one on radiator with some water and managed to scrape off the film.  The judge was present and for a moment I felt sorry we had presented the sample. [[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas [[/vertical note in left margin]] But another sample was tried and stood [[red underline]] the test of water as well as acetone. [[/red underline]]
This was the [[red underline]] end of testimony [[/red underline]] and we all felt glad of it. It is almost a month day for day since we started.
Went to rest in my room at hotel then went to an [[red underline]] automobile show. [[/red underline]] Very little new except that [[red underline]] all cars have self starters. [[/red underline]]
Jan 9. 1914.  Up early after good nights rest. packed my valises  
Glad [[strikethrough]] that it [[/strikethrough]] it's all over. Mild day. Went for little walk and do some shopping.  Albert came with car about 11 A.M. Arrived