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[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas (continued) [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] [[Rumler?]] [[/red underline]] in his clumsy boresome way started argument all [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] morning and large portion of afternoon. - Then [[red underline]] McEwen [[/red underline]] started up, much worse, reading testimony in his monotonous voice, repeating and [[red underline]] falsifying [[/red underline]] omitting purposely and perverting the meaning of everything.  Makes my blood boil. [[red underline]] This is the limit of endurance and is very demoralyzing. [[/red underline]]  Neave seems to think that the more he does of this the better for our case.  At close I feel exhausted, mentally and physically.  Violent headache.  Went to Neave's office with Townsend for awhile but asked to be excused.  Went alone to Mouquin for supper then to some theater to forget [[strikethrough]] state [[/strikethrough]] bakelite and all the sophistry I had to endure.  Slept at Chemists Club.
Feb 18.  More [[red underline]] McEwen. more lies and [[/red underline]]
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perverted statements, same monotony and repetition.  All very tiresome but not harmful, just the contrary helps us.  Went to theatre to hear musical comedy: 
"Laughing Husband".
Feb 19.  
[[vertical note in left margin]] Nikolas [[/vertical note in left margin]]
More of McEwens monotonous boresome, rambling misstatements  What's the use working in a laboratory and establishing facts when [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] unscrupulous lawyers and lying experts simply contradict everything without even trying and talk it out by sophistry and what a fearful amount of cash all this is going to cost us.  Where would I be if we could not furnish the cash. - [[red underline]] What [[show?]] has a poor inventor or a poor concern! [[/red underline]]
Feb 20.  More McEwen always says he will be brief and will soon be thru but there is no stop to his senseless rambling talk where he hides facts and purposely