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Cannot [[red underline]] shake this suit from my mind.  If I could go away for a  few days where nothing reminds me of bakelite, I might brace up sooner.  [[/red underline]]  George went to New York with his friend Paolo deVecchi.
Feb'y 23. (Washington's Birthday)  Still very cold and snow everywhere.  [[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] went to one of her tango and giggle parties.  Park Hill Club.  Spent day at home dictating and reading. [[red underline]] Am still under the impression of last weeks' ordeal. [[/red underline]]
Feb 24/ Here all day. Bitter cold. Went to [[red underline]] Yonkers [[/red underline]] to have hair cut and visited [[red underline]] Public Library. [[/red underline]] Favorably impressed with large number visitors and variety of readers.  Clean neat well organized library.  What a difference with our old library
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[[upper left margin]] #
177 [[/left margin]]
in Ghent!
The kids [[line to note on top of page]] [[red underline]] George & Nina [[/red underline]] [[/line to note on top of page]] out to a dance at Park Hill Club
Feb 25/.  
[[left margin]] # H.E.Co 2 hours. [[/left margin]]
Dictated all morning.  Charge 2 hours to Hooter.  At noon went to [[red underline]] Perth Amboy. [[/red underline]] River frozen everything covered with snow in Jersey too.  Made hurried inspection of plant. [[red underline]] Everything seems more orderly [[/red underline]].  New building seems imposing but needlessly extravagant and expensive. Too many electric lights! But great windows are excellent.  
[[vertical red line in left margin highlights next sentence]]
Told to all our men assembled that henceforth we would adopt policy of  secrecy [[written above and below]] secrecy secrecy [[/written above and below]] in as far as the patent laws of this country are no safeguard.  Returned in train 
[[/vertical red line in left margin]] 
with Thurlow, told him about our later results with hexatri.  Took supper at Mouquin's.
Feb 26.  In Yonkers all morning then after lunch to [[red underline]] Van Oldeneel [[/red underline]] to confer with him about funding Beutler patent Man seems careless and incompetent